Brian injuries are cases that need special and specific individualized care. We help patients and their families transition safely and successfully into their next stage of rehabilitation and future care needs. Our team specializes in helping every way possible. We provide neuro cognitive services, neuro physical services, neuro behavioural services etc.
MyoHealth brain injury rehabilitation program caters to individuals with acquired brain injuries and associated neurological disorders. We help those with brain injuries work towards reacquiring and strengthening everyday skills and functions. Our system is designed to address each individual’s specific impairments in order to maximize physical function and independence.
As part of our care, we will work with you and your loved ones to plan your discharge to help you make a safe and successful transition to the next stage of your rehabilitation at home or in your community.
Our medical practitioners have specialized expertise in brain injury rehabilitation including: physical, cognitive, psychosocial, behavioural, vocational etc